Most job hunting advice is rubbish
Those self-help books are the worst.
Several hundred pages of author self-promotion all designed to sleep-walk you into their next seminar and with about as much meaningful practical advice as can be put onto a post-it note.
Much of the perceived wisdom about how to find “your dream job” (like that has ever existed for about 99% of the population) revolves around candidates selling themselves.
Why should Administrators, Accountants and Actuaries be expected to be good at…
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Recruiter swears at candidate. Gutter press outraged.
Many of you will have already seen the story about senior recruiter Gary Chaplin telling a candidate who had emailed his CV to some 4,000 recruitment agencies to “fuck-off”.
The Daily Mail and The Sun in particular seemed to be cheerleading the righteous indignation of the masses – however they did (unlike me) replace all or some of the letters in the swear word with asterisks, which further reinforces their burgeoning status as the protectors of our moral sensibilities.
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I’ve found something I agree with James Caan on.
That’s not to say that I always disagree with what James has to say about recruitment – it’s more that I’ve only ever read one other thing by him, which was that his fixed-fee job board advertising business Webrecruit was “revolutionising the recruitment industry”.
But hey, you know what I’m like with outrageously grandiose marketing slogans and the sometimes inflated relevancy afforded people just because they’ve been on the telly,…
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