Life Changers
The next recruiter that tells me they love their job because “they have the power to change peoples lives” is going to get introduced to the business end of my shoe.
If you’re one of those recruiters that actually believes this, allow me to give you a lift back to planet Earth.
You’re not a Social Worker.
You’re not a Life Coach.
You’re not a Career Counsellor.
You’re not some Archangel of Altruism either.
You don’t change people’s lives. You sometimes get paid by…
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Enough with the sanctimonious bullshit
Ever since LinkedIn facilitated the uploading of images, it seems like it’s getting overrun with inspirational messages posted and ‘liked’ by what I can only assume are people desperate to create some kind of goal-post for their sad, empty, pot noodle-eating lives.
Many of them seem to fetishise rich people like Richard Branson or Warren Buffet.
Which is ironic because I’ll bet you a pound to a bucket of pigshit that neither of those two ever sat around sharing hollow mantras…
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Why recruitment agencies can’t sell
You have the opportunity to talk to a new potential client. They have a job to fill and they’ve decided that they’re going down the agency route.
A classic selling situation.
Except that it isn’t for the vast majority of recruitment agencies – because they’ve got nothing to sell.
Most recruitment agencies default method of doing business is contingency – meaning they’ll only charge a fee if they find the candidate who is hired.
Given that an agency will fill 20% or less of…
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