Here’s another recruitment myth that needs to be punched in the face
It’s kind of funny that recruiters are often considered to be “too salesy”.
I suspect what people mean when they describe agency recruiters this way is that they act like salespeople. That they display all of the hackneyed stereotypes that are associated with salespeople – or more accurately, bad salespeople.
Great salespeople don’t display these characteristics, because of the very fact that they are great salespeople. The chances are they’re great salespeople because they…
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The Problem With Talent Communities
What do these 3 things have in common?
1. The Sony Betamax
2. The DeLorean car
3. Talent Communities
Answer: They all sounded great in theory.
Which of these 3 things is the odd one out?
1. The Sony Betamax
2. The DeLorean car
3. Talent Communities
Answer: Talent Communities. The other 2 actually existed.
I like the theory of Talent Communities, which for the uninformed is described on Wikipedia as:
“A network of candidates, employees, alumni, and social and…
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The problem with passive candidates…
I think the term “passive candidate” is disingenuous – at least in any meaningful practical sense.
I think it belies what kind of potential candidate this person actually is.
Most people in the recruitment world think a “passive candidate” is superior to an “active candidate” simply because they’re in a job. The implication being that because they’re in a job, they must be good – or at least better than the active candidate who isn’t.
It’s true that passive candidates…
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