Fast Track Recruitment

5 Minutes


Five minutes. That’s how long, on average, a recruitment agency spends writing a job advertisement.

At least according to the presenter of a talk on ‘The Future of Advertising’ at the recent Recruitment Live exhibition at the ExCel.

So, why only 5 minutes? There are probably a multitude of reasons. Here’s the most likely of them:

1. They don’t know much about each job and so just post a cut and paste of the job description.

2. They have too many jobs to advertise and don’t…

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The most important thing I’ve learned in the past 6 months

jazzhands photo jazz_hands_zps8677d76a.jpg

The one piece of learning that I’ve nailed to my brain is this:

Classroom training courses don’t work.

More specifically, classroom training on its own don’t work. Without high-intensity reinforcement, it’s little more than a days ‘entertrainment’.

Entertrainment is when a trainer entertains you for 6 hours with funny anecdotes illustrating why their tips and tricks might work.

The ‘entertaining’ thing is so you remember it. It’s a replacement for the ‘high-intensity…

Read more about The most important thing I’ve learned in the past 6 months

Why can’t recruitment agencies recruit for themselves?


This isn’t a universal truth because I know of a few that are pretty good at hiring their own staff – either because they put a lot of effort into it or because they’re good at assessing candidates and don’t like making hopeful punts.

But those rarities aside, most agencies struggle to hire their own staff because the vast majority of them don’t sell or deliver actual recruitment services.

So when they need to implement an end-to-end process to bring onboard new staff…

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