Stupid answers to stupid interview questions
Ever since Google announced/admitted that asking oblique interview questions was a pile of horseshit (my words, not theirs) lots of companies have climbed off the ‘Everything Google Does Is Brilliant’ bandwagon and have gone back to asking candidates where they see themselves in 5 years.
But if you’re unlucky enough to interview at a company that missed that press release, here’s some suggested answers to some of these questions:
How would you explain a database in three…
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Does honesty really pay?
I recently read a blog on LinkedIn by a young recruiter called Jeremy Pierce, who by the way, I need to add to my list of favourite UK recruitment bloggers.
His blog bemoans the state of recruitment advertising – in particular, how honest most recruitment ads are. Or rather, aren’t.
A few months back I ran what could be described as an honest recruitment ad. Some may say brutally honest.
I did it to see what would happen. Before I tell you what did actually happen, here’s…
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What does the future for recruitment agencies look like?
Ever since the Internet came along, people have been questioning if, or how, recruitment agencies would cope with the new democratisation of candidate data the Internet ushered in.
The recruitment agency market has coped. They’ve coped largely through:
1. Becoming more niche
2. Companies still remaining relatively ignorant about how to hire staff
The job boards loading their pricing in the agencies favour also helped.
So recruitment agencies have survived, mostly without…
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