Fast Track Recruitment

This is kids stuff. Anyone can do it.


Today I saw a job advert for Trainee Recruitment Consultant.

What drew me to look at the ad was the pre-sell that the agency is “ranked 19th on the Recruiter Hot 100 list”, whatever that is.

The ad mostly talked about how lovely their offices are, which is fine if that’s what you think is going to be the most appealing aspect of the job, but it was this sentence particularly caught my eye:

“As a trainee recruitment consultant you will be doing a full 360 recruitment role.”

Read more about This is kids stuff. Anyone can do it.

Activities that agency recruiters need to stop doing if they’re ever going to be taken seriously.


Recruiter, Recruitment Consultant, Search Executive, International Headhunter, Talent Acquisition Specialist.

Whatever title you give yourself, if you regularly do any of the following activities, you’re slowly advertising yourself as someone who cannot be trusted to fill jobs:

1. Blind-calling – This is like cold-calling, the difference being it’s done with little or no research.

2. Emailing CVs – Especially CVs of candidates who you claim “have expressed an interest in…

Read more about Activities that agency recruiters need to stop doing if they’re ever going to be taken seriously.

Interviews don’t work. But don’t worry, I have the answer.


The Washington Post recently published a blog that suggests there is no evidence that interviewing job applicants prompts better hiring decisions.

My own 143 years of experience in the recruitment industry (that’s dog years by the way) has brought me to a place where I find myself agreeing with this premise.

I’ve seen too many candidates who have almost totally matched the brief I’ve been working to, not get the job.

Sometimes I’ve even squirmed with embarrassment for…

Read more about Interviews don’t work. But don’t worry, I have the answer.

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