The Wayne Kerr Fan Club
For those of you who don’t know, Wayne Kerr is a character created by the recruitment training company Recruitment Juice to promote their services.
A few weeks back, somebody asked me why I’m not a member of The Wayne Kerr Fan Club group on LinkedIn.
I’ll relate the conversation here in full, starting with my answer:
Me: “Because I’m not comfortable being seen to be a member of a group that thinks recruiters are wankers.”
Other Recruiter: “I think you’re…
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Pep Talk People
I love the phrase “Pep Talk People” which I just heard from @animal on his recruitment talk show.
Pep Talk People are those people that think they can solve your professional problems by soaking you in motivational quotes and brainwashing you into believing that you too can become a millionaire.
They use the word ‘dream’ quite a lot.
A lot of them are Life Coaches and some of them are Sales Trainers.
The Sales Trainers are the scariest.
Thought for the day
Every time a recruiter leaves their employer to set-up their own contingency agency, the recruitment gene-pool gets increasingly more shallow than the piss-puddle of a Chihuahua with a water infection.