Fast Track Recruitment

My Favourite UK Recruitment Bloggers

Posted by Mitch on 18th September 2013

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Social media has done much that’s good for the world of recruitment – as well as quite a bit that’s not so good.

On the good, it’s encouraged many people to air their views on recruitment, HR and job hunting. On the not so good, it’s encouraged many people to air their views on recruitment, HR and job hunting.

My point being that there’s a lot of stuff out there in the mainstream that just panders to the vanities of whoever its target audience is and is often quite poorly written.

Most of my favourite bloggers aren’t part of this mainstream, partly, I suspect, because they don’t have enough time to write and promote their writing because they’re too busy doing recruitment.

So, this is my salute to people who say interesting things about our industry and in ways that are enjoyable to read – but who are sadly under many people’s social media radar.

Some don’t have a large body of work, but what they do have is pretty damn good.

In no particular order:

Shaun Windram
Shaun is an IT recruiter in Aberdeen. I like the way he thinks, he’s creative, his blog is pretty good and his job adverts are even better.

Martin Ellis
Proper headhunter + ex big company director = sound hiring advice from lots of angles. All of it written in a style that skips along quite nicely.

Barry Flack
I only discovered Barry a few weeks back and was hugely impressed by the wit and verve in his writing style. A beautiful melange of professional HR insight and colloquial humour. Barry’s lucky to have made this list given that he’s in HR, but that’s OK, as he isn’t always nice about us recruiters either.

Darren Ledger
Darren is brilliant – a point of view influenced by me meeting him several times and reading his stuff on LinkedIn groups. One of the smartest and most enthusiastic recruiters in the country. Bookmark him.

Robert Wright
Robert writes eloquently on a range of work related subjects. Not the most visually appealing blog in the world, but sensible and thoughtful writing more than make up for that.

Fraser Hill
Fraser doesn’t have his own blog, but has written a number of well-written and well-researched pieces for ERE. Like me, he’s spent time on the corporate side of the recruiting fence which informs much of his insight, which is significant.

Steve Buckley
Another recent discovery, this blog smacks the IT recruitment industry firmly in the face. May be uncomfortable reading for all but the very best IT recruiters.

Matt Buckland
Matt’s runs the inhouse recruitment for a portfolio of tech start-ups – so in other words is a proper recruiter. And like anyone who runs end-to-end recruitment processes, knows a lot about hiring.

Simon Lewis
Simon runs the UK’s biggest marketing job board. His blog is a mixture of aggregated content and his own well-informed opinions. Has an understandable bias towards the marketing/advertising elements of the recruitment industry and is all the better for it.

Hung Lee
Recruitment meets technology, sometimes interrupted by a bit of oblique societal naval-gazing. Great visuals. Is better than it sounds.

Also, an honourable mention to my favourite American recruitment/HR blogger – a chap called Matt Charney. He doesn’t pull any punches either.

So, there you have it. My personal list of industry bloggers who I think are under-appreciated.


By Craig Watson on Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Hey Mitch…
What about your favourite bloggers outside of the UK????

By Mitch on Tuesday, 21 January 2014

You Craig.

Always you.

By Pratima Chandiramani on Tuesday, 04 March 2014

Nice Post.

By Bradley Elliot on Thursday, 17 April 2014

this is an awesome post…

By Henry on Monday, 17 April 2017

Great collection, thanks. Plenty of good reading here.

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