Fast Track Recruitment

Looking for a safe stance on the use of exclamation marks in recruitment advertising?  Me neither.


The exclamation mark is known informally as ‘a bang’ or ‘a shriek’.

It’s frequently used in fiction and then mostly to express strong feeling in spoken dialogue.

There are broadly 3 types of people who use exclamations marks:

1. Amateurs
2. Children
3. Fashion Journalists

Clients don’t want their recruitment agencies to be any of these things – which makes the fact that some consistently use exclamation marks in their job postings all the more surprising.


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Why Recruitment Agencies Need To Become Pigs

Bear with me on this one.

It must be searingly obvious to anyone who works in recruitment that recruitment agencies are receiving a lot of flak at the moment – most of it around their oafish sales tactics and their diminishing ability to deliver a viable recruitment service to either the company or the candidate.

So, how did we get here?

With the advent of the Internet came a lot of predictions that it would spell the end of recruitment agencies. That didn’t happen because…

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Getting fooled by recruitment sector specialisation.


I found this superb blog by Martin Ellis, the MD at Sam Headhunting.

It echoes something I’ve been saying for a while, which is that pretty-much all the sector-specialist recruiters I’ve ever met or spoken to (and that is quite a lot over the years) have almost all made the “we have the best candidates” mantra the basis of their sales message.

Most of them, when pushed (I’m great at pushing), couldn’t articulate why or how that was the case. Normally, 3 questions in, they’re…

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