Fear & Loathing in Budgens
Yesterday morning I went to the local mini-supermarket for a little impromptu shopping.
You know, the normal stuff you need on a Sunday; like tomatoes, cheese, eggs, milk, a newspaper, salami, a melon and no chocolate.
I mention the ‘no chocolate’ thing, as getting to the checkout without putting any in my basket was something of an achievement.
I’ve been putting on a bit of weight the past couple of years and given that I a) don’t eat that much and b) don’t eat very…
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Sharing is the new privacy
Yep, that’s the next new thing the giant communications/social media corporations are selling.
Today I did something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. I removed myself from Facebook.
The last straw was their new Open Graph Technology which allows them to track your browsing history from 3rd party websites – whether you like it or not.
They euphemistically call it “frictionless sharing” but what it is really is total surveillance.
So, despite no longer being open to alerts to…
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The Recruitment Bullshit Blog
This blog is a work in progress.
In it I plan to highlight phrases taken from recruiter profiles on LinkedIn and/or agency websites and offer them up for critical scrutiny. I will, where possible, also offer a more realistic translation of that phrase. Feel free to add some of your own.
OK, let’s get started.
“I devise various candidate/client attraction strategies by employing state of the art recruitment methods”
Translation: I post jobs on the Internet.
And my…
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