“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain…”
There’s been a gradual dumbing down in advertising – and not just recruitment advertising.
But it’s worse in recruitment.
I blame the Internet and its ability to enable people who have no discernible advertising skills to post hundreds of job ads, for under a few hundred quid, in less than the time it takes to write a job ad.
So, what is advertising? What’s its purpose?
Here’s probably the best definition from marketing pioneer Daniel Starch:
“The simplest definition of…
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Who hates recruiters the most?
From what I’ve seen over the past few years, the candidate type that dislike recruiters the most are in tech.
I think their main frustration is that agencies probably have roles they might be interested in – but they just can’t communicate that to them.
Mostly, it seems, because they don’t understand those roles.
I feel sorry for them.
It must be like trying to catch ping pong balls in a storm.
I’d like to help get this person a job
Her name is Deborah Hodge and she took a break whilst tending to her sick child. She also took some of that time to launch a new career as an artist and writer – and pulled a few stunts to help publicise this which got her some attention in the mainstream media.
I think a sales role would suit her; after all she was able to blag her way onto This Morning and hold her ground with Philip Schofield.
What she discovered quickly was that controversy sells and she created the persona…
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