Fast Track Recruitment

The Problem With Job Boards


Job boards are widely regarded as obvious places to source candidates for jobs under 40K.

But as their use has become more embedded in recruitment culture and more recruiters are chasing a limited pool of candidates, logic dictates that each is going to attract fewer candidates.

But there’s another problem.

They’ve made candidates lazy.

They upload their CV and wait for the phone to ring. Nothing wrong with that in principle – the problem starts when you start engaging with…

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Recruitment Groundhog Day

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Whenever you see a recruitment agency website claiming to have “35 years combined experience” what they’re not telling you is that it’s the same year, repeated over and over.

While I’m on the subject of websites, why do 95% of them all say the same thing?

It’s what’s known as “Me Too Marketing”.

Here are some examples:

…“We believe in really getting to know our client’s business”
…“We’re passionate about recruitment”
…“We never share a candidate’s CV without their…

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I Used To Write Job Ads


Back in the day, just before and during the early days of the Internet, I used to write job copy. I generated about 90% of my fees by selling this to my clients.

I produced pretty good display ads. Probably not always as great as what they’d get from a decent creative ad agency, but miles better than anything produced by any other recruitment agency.

But mine were free – paid for out of the retained fee the client would always pay to use the ad as the spearhead of the…

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