Fast Track Recruitment

Recruitment Groundhog Day

Posted by Mitch on 17th October 2014

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Whenever you see a recruitment agency website claiming to have “35 years combined experience” what they’re not telling you is that it’s the same year, repeated over and over.

While I’m on the subject of websites, why do 95% of them all say the same thing?

It’s what’s known as “Me Too Marketing”.

Here are some examples:

…“We believe in really getting to know our client’s business”
…“We’re passionate about recruitment”
…“We never share a candidate’s CV without their permission”
…“Our service is second to none”

Plus, have you noticed how all of those sentences are about the agency and not about the client?

Is it possible that this might be the real reason why the rest of the world thinks all recruitment agencies are the same? Is it possible that all recruitment agency websites have become so generic that nobody actually reads them anymore?

This is a shame, because I know for a fact that some of them are not the same.

So, if you’re an agency owner, how about offering some insight into how you can take away a potential client’s pain? Because it’s this that motivates nearly all companies use an external recruitment supplier.

To take away the pain.

If you shed some light on how you might do this, the chances of them getting in touch are increased. However, you need to avoid making the mistake that most agencies make – which is not to lie.

One last thing. Try replacing as many of the “We” and “I” words with “You”.

That’s because “You” is the 2nd most powerful word in advertising.


By Stephen Turnock on Thursday, 06 November 2014

Indeed Mitch. There is a lot of ‘I-it is’ out there. And there’s also ones with 100 years experience..  Well, that’s 3.3 recurring. And it’s always about them, not you and they find the ‘Best Talent’ as well! and they don’t use the number one word so much - FREE. Wonder what the top 10 words are in recruitment marketing?

By adwintage on Friday, 16 January 2015

That is really interesting information. We provide multi-tasking Events to our customers in Chandigarh.Please do visit at our website or contact us any time, we would love to help you.

By philip wilson on Thursday, 12 April 2018

Hi I would like to put my name forward to you , asking if there is any positions going on construction work , I have worked with semore white driving the equipment including the Manatou crane I have licences to suit various jobs and am very reliable , I can contactable on 0418162124. Philip wilson

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