It’s Friday, right?
Posted by Mitch on 4th October 2013
Have you ever noticed how the people that are always posting about how “passionate” they are about their work, tend to be the same people that post “Thank God it’s Friday!!”?
Yeah, me too.
I’d like to see a little consistency here.
I’d like them to start posting “Thank God it’s Monday!!”.
Preferably at about 6 am on a Monday.
By Steve Ward on Friday, 04 October 2013C’mon Mitch - don’t you know that social media presence is meant for sharing every minimal or mahoosive thought, and persistently contradicting yourself to please the whim of the other people in your stream, or pander to popularity or supportive response…?
Well. That. Anyway.
By Jim Powell on Friday, 29 May 2015
Inserts photo of lunch.
Nearly beer o’clock - I fucking love that one.
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