Fast Track Recruitment

I’m looking for a Big Recruiter

Posted by Mitch on 31st March 2016



Business Development is boss.

You know why.

It’s because it’s not easy and most people don’t want to do it.

You also know that it’s the most important part of the recruitment stakeholder triangle – because candidates aren’t the ones paying any money.

So you do business development well and reap the rewards. It’s like going the gym. The lazy make their excuses not to do it and get fat. You get stuck in and get the gains.

But could your current situation be better?

In 99% of recruitment firms, the KPIs are king. Fair enough, right? It’s a way for management to measure what’s going on in their company. Some may say it’s a lazy way of measuring what’s going on.

But a lot of the time, in your heart of hearts, you know you’d be better off identifying selling opportunities than making a pointless candidate call just to boost your stats. Candidate calls are important, obviously, but so is defending in football. But you wouldn’t put Messi at centre-back.

So how about a role where you’re being properly utilised? What would that look like?

The vacancy.

How about something where the emphasis is on building relationships with senior Line Managers and HRDs, rather than harvesting from the KPI fields?

Something where you’ll be re-invigorating dormant accounts, getting more from existing accounts as well as initiating new business within a specific vertical.

Where you’re selling all recruitment services – exclusive, retained, advertising projects and RPO projects.

Maybe something where you’ll be signing-up at least one new client and registering at least 20 vacancies per month ands passing over those roles to Account Managers. And in case you start to miss resourcing too much, you’ll work all the roles over £100k yourself. Roles that naturally you’ll be retained on.

What about something where you aren’t cooped up in the office 5 days a week, where you can travel to meet clients across Europe face-to-face?

And somewhere where you do all that, and get rewarded with £90k OTE in your first year, and £120k in your second year, from a £50-70k base.

Funnily enough, there is something just like that.

The client is a technology recruitment consultancy and have been around for a couple of decades.

They’re a sensible, grown-up recruitment business. They operate a no-politics system and have a flat organisational structure, meaning consultants have the freedom to work their own way – a way that works for them. They also have a great MD, which is reflected in their Glassdoor reviews.

They’re based in Brighton. It’s central and easy enough to get to. You can work from home, provided you can get into the office 1-2 times per week, and when you do, you’re right in town. There are bars and restaurants nearby. Panic over.

You fancy yourself as a salesperson, you should at least want to find out more.

You’re a seasoned recruiter from any niche within ICT, you’ve got a few seasons under your belt and you know how to have meaningful conversations with decision makers.

You know that building credibility means asking the difficult questions to uncover a client’s pain. And you know the difference between business development and cold-calling.

So you’re successful and that’s probably showing where you are now. You should be seeing the rewards of that, shouldn’t you?

If you were pitching this job to a candidate now, you’d be asking what they had to lose by finding out more. And you’d be right. What is there?

Call me in confidence.


By Marc Dhalluin on Thursday, 31 March 2016

A brilliant job ad. The best I have read out of hundreds and hundreds. Written by a non ‘only’ box ticker. By someone who understands their client’s business pain and opportunity. And someone who understands how to sort the wheat from the chaff. I really hope the rewards for this effort are palpable beyond the commission. Has the hallmarks of good marketing.

By Mitch on Friday, 01 April 2016

That’s very kind of you, Marc.

Thank you!

By Cody Charles Deegan on Thursday, 21 April 2016

For some, job vacancy may be a problem but for recruitment firms it is an opportunity. Delivery is very important in any service business that is why headhunters push themselves more to have the appropriate candidates for the need of their client companies.

By Maureen Sharib on Saturday, 13 August 2016

You’re looking for a phone sourcer.  As phone sourcers go about their jobs every day calling into companies gathering names of people for hard-to-fill information they hear about open positions all the time.  This is a natural spin-off use of a phone sourcer’s service.

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