Fast Track Recruitment

If you’re not going to listen to me, then maybe you’ll listen to Josh Bersin?

Posted by Mitch on 18th June 2014

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For those of you who don’t know who Josh Bersin is, he’s an HR and Talent Management Analyst who studies global sales, marketing and technology trends in HR, talent acquisition and retention.

By all accounts he carries some clout. Unlike me.

In a Forbes article; Corporate Recruiting Explodes: A New Breed of Service Providers, he succinctly outlines how the recruiting landscape has changed, and is changing.

Much of this changed landscape has moved businesses, both large and small, to expect more from their hiring initiatives.

What this means for recruitment agencies is summarised by this paragraph from the article:

“Our research shows that for high value roles you should not select a recruitment firm based solely on price. You want these companies to deeply integrate with your business so they can rapidly find precisely the right people. So you have to select one that understands your industry and shows you a business model for close integration with your business needs.”

In other words, companies want their recruitment agencies to be able to guarantee candidate delivery.

They want their recruitment suppliers to stop being chickens and start being pigs.

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