Free email template for inhouse recruiters
Posted by Mitch on 7th October 2015
Here’s a template you can use when responding to those agency emails that attempt to convince you that they should be your recruitment agency of choice.
If enough of these get sent back, maybe these agencies would think a little more deeply about what it is they’re really trying to do.
If it’s just to continually look for hiring companies in distress purchase mode, then they’ll probably just ignore it. But I’m sure some of them aren’t that bad.
See it as giving something back to the recruiting community.
Anyway, here it is. You’re welcome.
Hi (recruiter name)
I get hundreds of emails from recruitment agencies like this one every year, all of them saying the same thing in the same way. And that ‘same way’ is to talk about themselves and what they want. It’s never about me (the prospect) and what I might want.
When I read these types of emails it forces me to conclude that the agency doesn’t really know how to sell.
And, I need to be completely honest with you here – I really don’t want recruiters who can’t sell to be contacting candidates on my behalf. Would you want someone who can’t sell to be contacting your potential customers?
That last sentence was deliberate irony. Hope you liked it.
You may well argue that this is a mass email and that you can’t personalise the sales message – but that would just add to my point.
Hope you find this feedback useful in some way.
All the best
(your name)
PS.. Stop emailing me. Thanks.
By JMD Partners on Monday, 22 February 2016Nice and informative post, thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work
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