Fast Track Recruitment

5 things I’ve learned about recruitment…

Posted by Mitch on 12th June 2015

…that people rarely ever mention.


1. Most people dislike filling jobs.

Performing all the tasks necessary to fill a job properly is rarely something hiring managers, HR or senior executives relish doing. Most agency recruiters don’t like doing it either, which is why they trade candidates on the fringes of other people’s recruitment processes. Let’s be honest, proper recruitment isn’t that much fun. The only fun bit is actually filling the job – especially if you’re on some kind of commission. It’s one of the reasons agency fees are as high as they are. Few other people want to do it. Further insight into corporate attitudes towards recruitment can be seen in the salaries they pay internal recruiters.

2. Recruitment agencies are treated unfairly.

OK, many don’t help themselves, but they’re often used simply so that HR have someone or something to blame and to mask any ineptitudes HR may have in this area. Agencies are both simultaneously kept at arms length and expected to deliver candidates their clients could never attract themselves.

3. The ‘War for Talent’ is a myth.

Read this for more information.

4. Recruitment belongs in Sales and/or Marketing, not HR.

Recruitment is primarily about attracting and engaging with the right people. Without the right people, there is no selection. HR’s only really value is at the onboarding stage of the process. See here for further clarification.

5. The best candidates probably aren’t doing exactly the same job for a similar company.

In this writer’s experience, the best new employees are often those with something to prove. This piece explains things more fully.

That’s it.

Have a nice day.

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