Fast Track Recruitment

Retained Recruitment Workshop


An introduction to the changing relationship between contingency and retained recruitment.

A 3 hour interactive group presentation, discussion and Q&A that will help you decide how to incorporate a retained service offering in your recruitment agency.

It will answer many questions, including:

What did retained recruitment used to mean and what does it mean now?
Why has the recruitment industry always worked on contingency?
Why would a client pay money upfront to fill jobs you’ve previously worked on contingency?
How do you move clients away from contingency? (The ‘5 Stage Recruitment Sales Journey’)
How does a retained assignment differ from contingency?
How does working retained add several years to a recruiters length of stay with your agency?

References from other satisfied customers are available.

If you’d like more information on my thoughts on why you might want to start doing more retained work, click here.

Alternatively, feel free to give me a call.


I can be reached at:
Mobile: 07725 185395

I give you the permanent tools to make your recruitment more productive

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