Fast Track Recruitment

Agency Recruiters


This is a niche mentoring programme that’s especially suitable for agency recruiters who are starting to realise how circular contingency recruitment actually is and who no longer want to be locked into a cycle of only filling around 20% of the jobs they work on and always having to look for new clients.

The content is built on the imperative that most competent contingency recruiters want to:

Improve the quality of the work they do whilst always getting paid for it.

Learn new skills.

Earn more respect.

Gradually reduce reliance on cold-calling.

Earn more fees from fewer clients.

The programme will typically last 3-4 months and assumes that you understand the benefit of building more embedded business relationships and starts the process of taking you on a journey that will enable you to do 3 things:

1. Evolve your client base into one that predominantly works with you on exclusivity and that regularly pay part of the fee upfront.

2. Work on a larger selection of vacancies with a smaller number of clients.

3. Become a more effective salesperson and recruiter.

Being great at sales and recruiting are two very distinct skill areas. The former concentrates on the ability to win the right kind of work at the right price and the latter on the ability to always being able to deliver on that work. That means becoming better at candidate attraction, research, headhunting and candidate assessment.

All of the credible research that has been done in work productivity cites job satisfaction, recognition and learning as the top employee motivators. It’s never just about the money.

What you’ll learn:

How to take business away from your competitors, permanently.

How to achieve a vacancy fill-rate of over 90%.

The different client types, their buying motivations and their pain points.

How to take each client on a 5 Stage Recruitment Sales Journey that will bring real strategic direction to how you work.

How to develop meaningful client intimacy and how to make the work you do for them progressively easier and more profitable.

You’ll be eligible for this programme if you’re a perm, white-collar recruiter who has gained at least 5 years agency experience and has mastered the art of contingency recruitment, specialise within a certain discipline and/or market sector and placing people in the 25K – 80K salary range and don’t want to have to still always be looking for new clients 5 years from now.

The programme will involve weekly one-to-one coaching at your desk (or over Zoom if location is a problem) and unlimited phone and email support from me.

Winning more exclusive and retained-fee business doesn’t mean you’ll no longer be working contingency; just that you’ll be creating an upper-tier of clients who will provide you with regular high-quality work that will make your job more interesting and your revenue both bigger and more forecastable.

Contingency will become the place from which you choose these future upper-tier clients.

If you’d like to discuss this mentoring programme in more detail, let’s talk.


I can be reached at:
Mobile: 07725 185395

I give you the permanent tools to make your recruitment more productive

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