Recruitment Training
Many of the best recruitment consultants are difficult to manage. They’ve achieved a level of annual billings that’s difficult to improve upon and even harder to do without.
So you leave them to their own devices.
But eventually they get bored of the ongoing need to keep finding jobs to work on.
It all starts to feel very circular.
They start to get disheartened at finding a great candidate only to hear that the client has filled the job from a speculative CV sent to them by an agency they’d ordinarily never use.
The fact that their clients don’t treat them with enough respect starts to erode at their sense of self-worth. Deep down they know that these are not really clients but just ad-hoc customers.
Eventually it dawns on them that they could be putting-up with the same aggravators, but keep a much bigger share of their billings.
They see lesser people than them making a decent living running a recruitment business from their spare bedroom.
Guess what happens next?
Or you can give them to me for a few hours a week.
I’ll teach them how to transform the way they do business, help them win more retained-fee work which in turn will create more time for them to learn more skills that clients want but aren’t currently getting anywhere else. That in turn will result in them billing more fees, from fewer clients in a broader service area.
They’ll become a real Recruitment Consultant with skills in areas such as search, selection, candidate-management, copywriting, social media, employer branding, talent-pooling and referral marketing.
They’ll learn how to build real recruitment strategies, sell them and deliver on them.
They’ll stay working for you longer.
They’ll also give your other consultants something higher to aspire to.
If you currently have a consultant like this, let’s talk.
I can be reached at:
Mobile: 07725 185395